
3 Skills That All Website Administrators Should Cultivate

3 Skills That All Website Administrators Should Cultivate

Successful website administrators are adaptive. They are always attentive and on the lookout for new ways to cut costs and improve customer experience. They are also always looking for self-improvement, as well. Here are three skills that you should cultivate in order to become a better web administrator.

  1. Communication. Website administrators need to be good communicators. After all, most websites are built upon the talents of many different people. From the business person who funds the project, to the web designers turns it in into reality, to the writers, photographers, and creatives who helped populate it will great content. A website administrator must coordinate the efforts of all these people and help them use their abilities to the fullest potential.
  1. Coding. Contrary to popular belief, not all website administrators are coders–and, in fact, there are many who scarcely know how to code at all. After all, as we discussed in the previous paragraph, web administrators frequently work with a variety of talented people and work toward the creation of a cohesive final project. But from time to time knowing a bit of basic code can empower web admins to make simple fixes or integrate new concepts without being totally dependent on a professional coder.
  1. Content curation. Website administrators need to know how to recognize talent when they see it–and they must know how to create the right style for a given brand. Though many would argue that this is more of an “instinct” than a skill, the truth is that defining “good” content is actually a bit more objective than one might imagine. Reading more, for example, can help you learn to recognize better writing, looking at websites that you like with a critical eye can help you develop better taste in web design, etc.

The People’s Host blog offers a wealth of helpful advice for website administrators and small business owners looking to get the most out of their online presence. Visit us online today for more information!

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