
Free Domain Privacy for ALL Domain Registrations

Free Domain Privacy

Privacy has been at the forefront of many web related discussions and panels for quite some time now. Online consumers are continuously targeted and have fallen victim to many sophisticated electronic and web-related scams. In our efforts to help further protect our customers, PeoplesHost offers free ID Protection (also commonly referred to as domain privacy, private domain registration, or WHOIS privacy) to our customers and all new domain registrations.

Why you should care about domain privacy?

In short, ID protection will shield and protect your personal information from the prying eyes of unwanted spammers and solicitors. Over the years, registrants of domain names have been targeted by spammers and solicitors offering anything related from web services, design, marketing, and development.

These spammers and solicitors scrape your public information from the WHOIS database, often times referred to as the WHOIS lookup. Domain registrars accredited by ICANN are bound by the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) with ICANN, which sets out responsibilities for the registrar including maintenance of WHOIS data, submission of data to domain registries, facilitating public WHOIS queries, ensuring registrants details are escrowed, and complying with RAA conditions relating to the conclusion of the registration period.

If you are unfamiliar with WHOIS lookups and ICANN you’ll want to read our blog post about Domain Privacy, ICANN, and Public WHOIS Data. This will give you a basic understanding of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and why there is a public record of certain domain registrant info made available for WHOIS lookup.

Free ID Protection for EVERYONE!

The decision to offer free ID Protection to our customers was an easy one. By offering our customers free ID Protection we’re helping protect your sensitive and personal information from those unwanted spammers, solicitors, and other various forms of malicious intent or misleading activities. ID Protection is an additional cost we incur on the back-end, but one that we believe is a value worth passing down to our customers.

Not all domain extensions can be covered by ID Protection

Due to certain requirements enforced by certain registries (e.g., the .uk registry), ID Protection cannot be enabled on certain TLDs/domain extensions, but may already be protected by default. Please review our knowledgebase article for a full list (at the time of this writing) of TLDs that cannot be covered by ID Protection.

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