
The Basics of Cyber Security for Small Businesses

Cyber security may seem like a relatively unimportant detail to attend to as a business owner, but the reality is that in this day and age cyber security is of the utmost importance. With just a few clicks of a mouse, cyber criminals may be able to raid your company’s bank account, destroying your savings and putting you in a difficult situation that can be nearly impossible to recover from. Even worse, your company can lose control of customer data—a catastrophe that can simultaneously cost you enormous amounts of money while also damaging your reputation beyond repair. Clearly, therefore, cyber security is more than just a detail—it is a crucial and pressing issue that will only grow in importance as the internet plays an ever-increasing role in the world economy. Here are a few simple steps you can take in order to protect your business.

  • Install security software. In many cases, cyber criminals gain access to personal or company accounts through malware, which can be installed onto your computer in a number of ways. Installing security software helps defend against these types of invasions.
  • Employee Education. In other cases, cyber criminals gain access to personal or company accounts using clever schemes such as phishing. The best remedy against this is to constantly educate yourself and your employees about the latest tricks, remaining one step ahead of those who hope to do you harm.
  • Control and Monitor Access Carefully. Even if you protect yourself in every imaginable way, it is still possible for one of your own trusted employees to take improper advantage of their system access: this is why access should be controlled and monitored closely, and employees who leave the company should have their access promptly revoked.
  • Hosting matters. Host your company website with a company that values your security just as much as you do. Visit People’s Host online today for more information.

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